As it turns out, yes you can have too many cats!
Check us out!
And we are back with another episode! Apologies since the extended delay since the last episode! I thought that it would be the perfect time to completely start the website over again which is still not done as of this writing...
But as you will soon hear, strange things come to those who wait!
In this episode...
- Don’t forget your clothes in the drive-thru
- See-through public toilets in japan
- Woman Beat Father Over His Flatulence
- Phone Rescued from National Forest Toilet
- 78 cats removed from Missouri home
- Woman altered $100 cashier's check to $8.4 million
- Toilet blocked by unwelcome visitors
- One hit wonder with a Hatchet
- Woman kicked out of bingo hall for not covering neck hole
- 12 year-old boy suspended for not bringing a toy gun to school
- Man decapitates mother and puts head in freezer
- Iceland supermarket closed after human feces found in freezer
You will no doubt be expecting that today’s episode yet again seems to have a lot of toilet-based stories. I don’t know what it is – these stories always seem to gravitate towards me. But don’t give up on us – we have a good mother decapitation, flatulence-based assault, and a lady with a hole in her neck.
Please let me know what you think of this episode!
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